Today is a quick tip talking about a problem 9 out of 10 people have but nobody seems to be addressing it.

I really only like talking about things that I have put through my own testing or have seen others that I know use and have gotten results.

Today I wanted to fill you in on what I call “Breaking the Pain Cycle”. There is a pattern to our back pain that doctors and other professionals like to complicate with big words and scary consequences. Without even knowing it they plant these seeds in our mind like “Ruptured Disc”, “Multi-level Herniation” “Spinal Stenosis” and “Spondylothesis”…just to name a few, that honestly can send us on a mental and physical roller coaster. For them, it’s easier to point to what looks like could be causing you pain instead of going through a full body analysis covering habits and lifestyle to pull out what actually is causing the pain.

They skip over the small habits that could be changed to see substantial relief and go straight to what they know best…surgery and medication.

Like most Americans I have bad posture. From training in the gym and sitting for a big portion of my life. My shoulders are rounded and my head and neck don’t stack right on my shoulders.

I’m actively changing that.

rounded shoulders

I can’t stress this enough and you really need to hear me on this.

The difference between you with bad posture and the person next to you, is the simple fact that YOU have back pain. This puts you into an entirely different category when it comes to whats “good for you” and what you can “get away with”. 

Read that 2 more times.

It’s extremely frustrating to see people doing day to day things with terrible posture and their backs not have any issues. That’s life. That’s how it works. The ONLY reason you have to start taking things like this seriously is because YOUR back hurts.

That is a powerful game changer.

Before my back hurt I remember doing some of the stupidest things when it came to my body and how I used it. It’s honestly no wonder I have a ruptured disc. 🙂 I remember very vividly being able to do certain day to day things WITHOUT pain and now that I have a more sensitive back I have to watch out for those same exact movements.

The moment I came to understand that realization, my recovery dramatically changed. I took my program more seriously. I wasn’t angry at the fact that I couldn’t do this or that any more. I focused on getting better and doing the simple things that I would literally laugh at 8 years ago seeing someone else do them. Those exact things are whats bringing me more freedom and better control over my pain.

I posted a quick tip on my Instagram the other day about head position and I wanted to share a more detailed version with you guys. It’s nothing complicated but a simple approach to what I hope will become a daily habit for you going forward. 

I share this video last because I really needed you to understand the importance of the “small things”. It’s these small things done daily that will get you out of this pain cycle your in. If nothing else, start with this until you don’t even have to think about doing it anymore.

Keep in mind it will take time. You talking about reversing what has taken you years to do. Don’t think about that just think about daily consistency with making new habits and before you know it you will feel and see the difference it makes.

This is how you chip away at finding out what specific things you have going on that are causing you pain. It doesn’t matter if you have herniated discs, fusions, ruptures, narrowing of nerve canals, inflammation or any other permanent damage or change. These small things still matter and will change your life.

Talk to you soon.
