You can confidently build strength in your body without the fear of picking the wrong exercise, damaging your surgery site or making your pain worse even if exercise in the past has left you on a rollercoaster of back pain.

Access back pain-friendly workouts and relief-specific exercise coaching designed to take you from being scared of causing more pain and damage to confidently moving, building strength safely, and doing the things you love.


Hey, my name is William Richards.

Fitness professional, a survivor of a ruptured and degenerative disc diagnosis, and X-back pain sufferer helping chronic back pain warriors from pro-NFL athletes and medical professionals to the weekend gardeners regain the life pain and fear have stolen from them. 

Why is it that you're told exercise is the best thing for your chronic back pain or post-surgery recovery, but no matter what you do, exercise seems to send you into unpredictable flare-ups? 


Well, over the past decade, as a fitness professional training clients with different backgrounds, I have realized something. 

Not all exercise is created equal, and simply exercising more is not what someone who's had major spinal surgery or has been living with years of chronic low back pain should do. 

But wait...what? I was told exercise is the secret to a pain-free life!?

It is if done right.

What seems like a simple and safe exercise can be the single movement that triggers your pain. Then, with no help from doctors or therapists, you're left on your own to navigate what you should do if your workouts aren't bringing relief. 

Without the right coaching and support from someone who knows the ins and out of how to apply exercise to YOUR situation, you end up making one (if not all) of these common mistakes: 

  1. Picking exercises that cause more pain, constant flare-ups, or worse, more damage than there was before you started. 
  2. Constantly starting and stopping workout routines due to doubt, fear, and not knowing how to navigate setbacks.
  3. Following generic workout routines that are not intelligently structured bringing your relief and results to a screeching halt.
  4. Jumping into fad workouts like CrossFit, Boot Camp Style training, or HIIT, thinking, "as long as I am exercising, I should be doing good."

The reality is that your doctor or surgeon doesn't know about strength training outside of knowing "exercise is good for us."

They can't suggest anything to follow once you've been cleared to resume regular activity. Their hands are tied, and they no longer treat you (aka getting paid).

So guess what, you're on your own, and in hopes of doing the right thing, you turn to the internet. 

You may already know this, but back pain isn't necessarily the sexiest topic in the fitness industry. 

So instead of safe, intelligent workout routines for you to follow, you get stuck with pain-provoking bodybuilding, circuit style, HIIT, or boot camp style workouts which will only make your pain and symptoms unpredictable or even worse. 

You won't find anything for post fusions, laminectomy, discectomies, disc herniations, bulges, ruptures, etc.

Which leaves you more frustrated and with ZERO direction in what is safe for you.

You can build strength safely, 10x the confidence in your spine, and get back to enjoying life and the activities you love without constantly navigating flare-ups. 

The first step is not falling for what mainstream media suggests; instead, be strategic about how you approach exercise as a tool for relief.

Over 12 years as a strength coach successfully training clients ranging from major disc injuries (herniations, bulges and ruptures) and various spinal Fusion surgeries has lead me to something huge…

From 5+ years of chronic back pain after a ruptured L5-S1 Disc and a DD diagnosis to living chronic pain free...

For years I have been writing and designing workout programs for post-spinal surgery clients and those struggling with chronic back pain. 

I know the process and the subtle nuances of chronic low back pain; after all, I ruptured my L5-S1 disc and was diagnosed with multiple levels of degeneration, so I get it. Likewise, I know what spinal surgery does to you mentally and physically, which is why a proper workout routine is so critical for your continued recovery. 

Armed with over a decade of professional experience and knowledge working in the fitness space and overcoming over 6 years of back pain, I have created a precise RESULT-producing formula that I follow when crafting workouts. 

This formula is designed to take someone scared to death of making a mistake, causing more pain or damage, and show them how to build confidence back in their body and mind through specially crafted workout routines that are safe yet challenging at the same time. 

For years I have kept these close and only used them to construct tailored workouts for my private clients, but I wanted you to have the opportunity to change your life and fear around building a stronger, more resilient body.

This is why I am excited to introduce you to the...

The BRAND NEW Smart Strength Membership App

The Smart Strength Membership App is the ONLY online video-based workout resource that delivers done-for-you workout routines designed specifically for Disc injuries (herniations, bulges, ruptures) and Post-Fusion Warriors.

All from the palm of your hand on your favorite device!

In this membership, you are going to have a custom back or fusion-friendly workout routine delivered to you every single month for you to follow.


The Smart Strength Membership App is perfect for you if:

  • It’s difficult to exercise due to constant pain and fear of making it worse.
  • You're ready to graduate from "rehab exercises" and get back to a normal workout schedule and routine.
  • Workouts in the past have sent you into week-long bouts of symptoms and pain.  
  • You feel like you have hit a wall with your current workout routine, and progress has stopped.
  • You’re scared to death of triggering another flare-up or month-long cycle of pain. 
  • You have no idea where to start, what exercises are safe, and which ones you should steer clear of. 


This membership was built and formatted with you and your fears, struggles, and concerns in mind. You want to feel stronger and more confident and start back on the right path to recovery while getting results...

The BRAND NEW Smart Strength Membership App is how you do that.

Here is exactly what you will be getting inside of the Smart Strength Membership:

1. Done-For-You Back Pain & Post-Fusion Friendly Strength Workouts Delivered To You Every Month ($325 Value)

Eliminate The Fear And Risk Of Picking The Wrong Exercise Causing More Pain Or Injury.

Context matters most when applying exercise to a sensitive low back or post-surgery situation

You are unique, and your back issue is unique to you, so what you need is NOT to be treated like a delicate flower and walk around like you’re one cough away from blowing out your back. 

No, you need someone who has been in your shoes and gotten life-changing results showing you NOT how to copy me but discover your unique path to freedom. 

You will have everything you need to apply exercise to your unique situation safely to build the strength you need and want, which means more time confidently enjoying your hobbies and less time experimenting with random things you find on the internet.

"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

2. Exclusive Strength & Relief Driven Coaching And Support ($400 Value)

Starting and sticking to a workout program regardless of the goals is hard, which means we can't just wait until your life circumstances change. We have to build a program that fits YOUR LIFE!

This is why I’ve baked in essential coaching support throughout your membership portal to help guarantee an effortless transition into making exercise a breeze in your busy schedule. 

The membership is packed with:

  • Printable workout guides so you can take your workouts where ever you go which means you never fall behind or lose the relief & strength you've gained! 
  • A full library of resistance band exercises so you can easily swap out exercises if you're on the road traveling or working out at home with minimal equipment, which means your workouts fit YOUR schedule and workout environment instead of always feeling like you're not set up for success. 
  • My full catalog of pain relief coaching videos covers topics such as modifying exercises for optimal results, how to eliminate pain in the gym with exercise choices, and my proven “melt before you move” method for erasing low back tightness in the gym.

and so much more.

3. Pain-Free Form And Technique Mastery ($275 Value)

If you're like most other chronic back pain and post-surgery warriors, you are afraid of making a costly mistake in the gym.

Most of these mistakes are from a breakdown of form or technique during an exercise.

Bad form aside, back pain can be a tricky beast to navigate when you don’t know what to do when pain is present. 

So what I’ve done is crafted each exercise demo and guide with the post-surgery and back pain sufferer in mind. So every tip, trick, and que I give you speaks directly to your sensitive low back, skyrocketing your confidence and reducing your fear in the gym. 

I’ll break down my super simple, pain-free form and technique protocol I use to train clients worldwide.

You will go into each exercise knowing exactly how to do it pain-free and make any necessary changes on the fly without needing to hire an in-person coach!

4. Done-For-You Back Pain & Fusion Specific Core Strength Coaching ($147 Value)

Your workouts must have back-specific core training each and every workout that include:

  • The right timing of core exercises to support a pain-free workout from start to finish. 
  • The right choice of core exercise so that we are building strength without pain or putting your low back at risk of damage or injury
  • Consistency and enough volume with core training so you see results fast instead of constantly starting and stopping and never seeing consistent results.

As a member of the Smart Strength Membership, you won't have to worry about any of that. 

I completely take over your core training and build the most ideal combination of full body strength training along with core endurance and strength work so you can confidently build a stronger core without any thought.

All this sounds great but how much is this going to cost?

I’ve spent over $50,000 and years of my life on education and coaching to better serve back pain sufferers and post-surgery warriors on exercising and finding more freedom and confidence in their bodies. 

And my one-on-one coaching packages start at $2,000

Add a constant drip of new back pain and post-surgery-friendly workouts each and every month, easily worth $100 a pop. You can see how the value of this membership is crazy high.

But I wanted to make this decision a no-brainer for you and truly accessible for someone who needs help NOW with building strength and confidence back in their body, so here’s what I’m doing.

You won’t pay $400 per month. You won't even Pay $75 per month. 

Join The Smart Strength Membership App.

Monthly Plan



New Workout Every 28 days!

Access To Coaching Community

Bonus: Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value ==> Free

Bonus: Pain Free Form Protocol ($97 Value ==> Free

Bonus: 6 Steps To A Pain-Free Workout ($47 Value ==> Free)

Bonus: Breaking The Pain Cycle Download ($78 Value ==> FREE)

Cancel anytime


Annual Plan (67% off)



Over 67% off original price! 

New Workout Every 28 days!

Access To Coaching Community

Bonus: Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value ==> Free

Bonus: Pain-Free Form Protocol ($97 Value ==> Free

Bonus: 6 Steps To A Pain-Free Workout ($47 Value ==> Free)

Bonus: Breaking The Pain Cycle Download ($78 Value ==> FREE)


I'm not done there. Check out these sweet bonuses that come with your Smart Strength Membership Access.

Bonus 1: My Pain-Free Form Protocol ($97 Value)

My step-by-step guide to mastering your form with every exercise without making any painful mistakes or having to hire a coach.


In this guide you'll discover:

  • How to confidently execute every exercise fearlessly and with complete confidence in your body.
  • How to know where your form is breaking down and causing pain and exactly how to fix it.
  • My 5 fool-proof checkpoints to ensure flawless form every time.
  • My "in the trenches" training secrets to never needing someone to critique your form.


Bonus 2: My Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value)

My back pain-specific cardio workout bundle is designed to give you low-impact, back-friendly cardio options for you to add to your program if running right now isn’t an option. 

This mini-course will give you:

  • Back-friendly cardio workouts that range from bodyweight, ropes, boxing, steps, cycling, and more!
  • The right amount of stress on the heart and body without the risk of overdoing it or causing more pain with a low impact design to each one.
  • Easy to scale running alternatives you can make harder or easier, which makes it a great alternative to running while your body continues to heal and get stronger!

Bonus 3: My Weight-Loss Accelerator System ($137)

My Weight-Loss Accelerator system strips away everything you have ever been taught about burning fat and gives you a simple formula to lose the next 10-20 pounds without spending hours prepping food or following crash diets.


In these guides you'll discover:

  • The ideal daily calorie amount you should be eating to effortlessly shed the next 10-20 pounds in the most stubborn spots.
  • How to build the perfect "template" so you know exactly what to eat and how much to eat to burn fat fast for your body type.
  • My simple "sustainable eating" approach to taking the "bad" foods you eat now and turning them into fuel to burn fat.


Bonus 4: My Breaking The Pain Cycle Blueprint ($97 Value)

In this blueprint you will get to dive into my strategy of exercising with low back pain and why I have so much success with clients that I work with.

You will discover the common mistakes a lot of post-surgery and low back pain fitness enthusiasts makes when it comes to exercising despite their pain along with a bullet proof workout strategy that is designed for long-term relief.

If you have been dealing with chronic low back pain or constant flare-ups years after surgery, you may be making some critical mistakes that are keeping you on what I call your personal Pain Cycle. 

These are the daily movement, strength and postural habits you do that do not support a healing environment for your body. 

I break these down for you inside this blueprint! 

Here's what you will learn inside this course: 

  • The how to fix the postures and common movement habits that keep you on your never ending pain cycle.
  • How "stacking" can be the single thing that brings you instant relief while at work, home or in the yard.
  • How to test for a "Hot Back" and instantly correct the issue within seconds. 
  • The mental shift chronic low back suffers need to make if they ever want to get back to the life they once had. 
  • How to automate new pain-free habits into your daily life with ease and little thought.

and so much more!

So here's what your getting today if you join the Smart Strength Membership

  • Access to new back pain and post-surgery friendly workout routine every month (if you joined for 3 months) ($300 Value)
  • Unlimited Access to workout instruction and demos designed specifically for those with a history of back pain and spinal surgery ($400 Value)
  • Unlimited access to back pain and post-surgery exercise support via community, chat lines and growing monthly library of workouts ($150 Value)
  • Pain-Free Form Protocol ($97 Value)
  • Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value)
  • 6 Steps to A Pain-Free Workout Blueprint ($47 Value).
  • Breaking The Pain Cycle Mini-Course ($97 Value)

Total value for all of this content and coaching delivered every month = $1,203

Questions & Answers

Yes. If you have been cleared to exercise by your doctor or surgeon these workouts are perfect for exactly where you are. 

They offer exercise choices designed to both challenge your fitness level and keep you safe and on the right track for building strength and confidence. 

Each individual is very different but these workouts are designed to start at the best place for you to build on at your own pace.

Nope! The only thing I have on Facebook is the Private Community Group. If being on Facebook is not your thing no worries!  

All of your coaching and workouts will be in your personal login based library that you can access on any device.

Yes. If you have been cleared to exercise by your doctor or surgeon these workouts are perfect for exactly where you are. 

They offer exercise choices designed to both challenge your fitness level and keep you safe and on the right track for building strength and confidence. 

Each individual is very different but these workouts are designed to start at the best place for you to build on at your own pace.

Absolutely. This would be the best place to start with or without a history or back pain or spinal surgery. 

The key to using exercise to beat pain or prevent it for the long-term (whatever your goal is) is to train smart. 

Every aspect of these workouts are designed to build strength, endurance, power and confidence while you work towards getting your normal life back!

I have been working out for 12+ years and have tried ALL KINDS of training programs. After all these years of trial and error the formula that I use today in my own programs as well as my clients will support ANY goal of building strength, losing weight and increasing endurance all while reducing the risk of injury and exercise induced pain.

This is how I will be able to continue to exercise and get stronger until the day I die. 

Yes. If you have been cleared to exercise by your doctor or surgeon these workouts are perfect to start and progress from after a Laminectomy, Discectomy or any other corrective surgery.

They offer exercise choices designed to both challenge your fitness level and keep you safe and on the right track for building strength and confidence while take each situation into consideration.

Of course each individual is very different but these workouts are designed to start at the best place for you to build on at your own pace.

Not at all. I have clients who just want to prevent future issues with their back or to make sure they are training SMART. 

These clients don't necessarily suffer from low back pain currently and love knowing they are following the best training method to prevent injuries and exercise induced pain.

Before you decide on joining...

There is no reason you need to continue down your strength and relief path alone. 

We live in a day and age where you have access to more specialized help and support from people who have been where you are and are going where you want to go. 

The tools and technology you and I have access to give me the ability to find, reach and serve people struggling with back pain all over the world for crazy cheap.

What you don’t need is another late night scouring the internet for exercises and stretches that you have no idea whether they will actually help. 

Stop treating your lower back like a science experiment, testing random gadgets and exercises. 

More than likely, it’s only going to make things worse. Trust me.

It’s the exact reason why I created the Smart Strength Membership - to help you along your strength & relief journey. 

I’m here to help!

I hope to have you as my newest member!

Join The Smart Strength Membership

Just choose one of the options below!

Monthly Plan



New Workout Every 28 days!

Access To Coaching Community

Bonus: Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value ==> Free

Bonus: Pain Free Form Protocol ($97 Value ==> Free

Bonus: 6 Steps To A Pain-Free Workout ($47 Value ==> Free)

Bonus: Breaking The Pain Cycle Download ($78 Value ==> FREE)

Cancel anytime


Annual Plan (67% off)



Over 67% off original price! 

New Workout Every 28 days!

Access To Coaching Community

Bonus: Low Impact Cardio Workout Bundle ($112 Value ==> Free

Bonus: Pain Free Form Protocol ($97 Value ==> Free

Bonus: 6 Steps To A Pain-Free Workout ($47 Value ==> Free)

Bonus: Breaking The Pain Cycle Download ($78 Value ==> FREE)


Don’t forget: it’s completely risk free

 I’ve packed a lot into the Smart Strength Method because I want you to feel confident in your workout routine knowing your building strength and resilience safely.

To make it a no-brainer deal for you I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of the Smart Strength Method today.

That’s right: Go through the bonus material, check out first months workout, get plugged into the community group and if you don’t love it in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

If the Smart Strength Membership isn't right for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. 



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