3 MUST DO Habits For Back Pain Relief At Home

Chronic low back pain can be completely resolved by creating these 3 habits.

We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that the pain we experience in our lower backs is due to damage and the only way to live free of chronic lower back pain is to fix the damage.

This is false.

I am living proof after an L5-S1 disc rupture and a degenerative disc diagnosis that was given to me over 15 years ago and was never operated on or treated with drugs.

I want to share with you today the 3 habits I instill into all of my students who go through the Strength & Pain Relief Accelerator program that have created countless transformations in pain relief and strength.

In this week’s video, you will learn:

  • The first place you MUST go when starting a relief strategy

  • The worst thing chronic pain sufferers do that stalls their results

  • How long it takes to beat years of chronic low back pain


Discover how to build the perfect workout if you’re dealing with back pain or symptoms from a disc injury!