AVOID These Exercises If You Suffer from Back Pain, Herniated Discs, or Sciatica! There are 3 exercises you need to avoid at all costs if you’re struggling to overcome chronic back pain and sciatica! If you’ve ever been doing an exercise in the gym and thought to yourself..I wonder if this exercise is going to […]
How Natalie Beat Her Sciatica From Prolapsed L4 L5 Disc If you’re an active Mom or Dad dealing with sciatica from a prolapsed, herniated, or bulging disc and nothing you do seems to take away the pain, this video is for you! Natalie came to me after seeking the medical model for help with her […]
FIX Sharp Low Back Pain When Bending, Twisting Or Rolling Over In Bed If you’re dealing with chronic low back sensitivity, it’s common to experience sharp pains in the lower back when needing to do things like turning to look behind you, buckle your seat belt, or flip over in bed. What you don’t want […]
How To Fix Your Tight QL Muscle | Fix your tight low back FOR GOOD If you get pain or tightness on one side of the lower back that either feels stuck or floats from side to side, this video is for you! Tight, stiff, or achy lower back muscles are common symptoms people tend […]
McGill Method Or Mckenzie Method Here’s how to pick the BEST back pain relief method for yourself! There are a lot of back pain relief methods out there, all claiming they have the BEST method for treating back pain. Strategies like the McKenzie Method, The McGill Method, Functional Patterns, Core Balance, and the list goes […]
Self Treatment For Back Pain: The truth about fixing your own bad back If you feel everything you have tried for lasting back pain relief has failed, this video is for you! The faster you can come to terms with your doctor, NOT being the one who is going to get you lasting relief, the […]
How To Eliminate Back Pain At Work Within Minutes I bet you could make a list of at least 5 things that if you started doing them, your low back would start hurting. I know for me personally, when my back pain was at its worst, the list of things that caused it was much […]
Back Pain Relief In 2 Steps (INSTANT RESULTS) Have you ever been in one of those situations where your back is just throbbing after a long day of work, being stuck in traffic, or traveling on a plane and are desperately in need of something that will take the edge off ASAP? Well, not much […]
Low Back Pain Treatments That DON’T WORK | Myths busted! When I think back on the years I wasted following back pain relief advice given to me by doctors, chiro’s, and providers I trusted, it’s depressing. I remember what it felt like after trying everything to get relief; nothing seemed to work. I owe a […]
How To Fix Back Pain When Bending Over | STOP your “Shovel Butt” If you’ve had back pain for any amount of time bending over is probably on your list of things you hate to do. Not only does it hurt but you’re scared of creating more pain and damage to your already messed up […]