Can I Run With A L4 L5 or L5 S1 Herniated Disc | Follow these 3 steps

If you are dying to get back into running but your l4 l5 or l5 S1 back pain gets worse after doing it, this video is for you!

Running with a sensitive lower back (l4-l5 or l5-S1 disc area) can be miserable.

Most doctors will tell you to give it up and that it’s just “destroying” the discs in your back.

This couldn’t be any further from the truth. In fact, there is more current research supporting the POSITIVE impacts running can have on a disc injury over time.

So today, instead of rolling over and throwing your running shoes in the trash, let’s throw them on and approach running a little smarter while you continue to heal your back.

Addicted to your health,


Be sure to grab my FREE lower back pain movement and exercise routine, perfect for l4-l5 or l5-S1 disc injuries. You get the reps, sets, and best modifications to make them fit you perfectly.