AVOID These Exercises If You Suffer from Back Pain, Herniated Discs, or Sciatica!

There are 3 exercises you need to avoid at all costs if you’re struggling to overcome chronic back pain and sciatica!

If you’ve ever been doing an exercise in the gym and thought to yourself..I wonder if this exercise is going to make my back pain worse? This video is for you!

When trying to gain control over chronic low back pain and sciatica, the exercise choices that you make matter BIG TIME.

While each person is unique, there are some common patterns I have seen now working with hundreds of people around the world, and today, I want to pick out 3 of the most popular but most difficult exercises that someone like you should NOT be doing.



Grab the exact workout formula I use along with all of my clients to build strength pain-free

=> https://fitness4backpain.com/painfreetraining