Scared To Move With Back Pain: Is FEAR making your back worse?
If you’re scared of bending, twisting, or lifting anything heavy due to your lower back pain, this video is for you.
I’ve spoken with thousands of chronic back pain sufferers over the years, and there have always been a few key components to why these individuals, despite what they have tried, are “stuck in pain.”
No, it’s not that they are missing some special stretch, exercise, or ointment.
It’s deeper than that and something YOU can fix with the right attention, consistency, and patience.
In today’s video, I will expose one of the number one things keeping YOU in pain that your doctor will never point out.
By the way! If you want to make sure the workouts you’re following are not making your back pain worse, grab my free Pain-Free Training Guide
I Was Stuck With Chronic Back Pain Because Of This One Simple Thing...

15+ years ago, I was diagnosed with a ruptured L5-S1 disc along with degenerative discs above that site. For over 6 years after that diagnosis, I lived with unpredictable back pain that literally ruined so much of that season of my life.
Despite my efforts with Physical Therapy, Decompression Therapy, Chiropractic care, massage specialists, and random gurus around the internet, NOTHING WORKED.
This, in return, planted a seed deep inside my loins that would be one of the biggest roadblocks to my recovery.
This fear consumed my life and every movement I made and kept me from being able to trust and see progress with anything I did.
2 Reasons Why Fear Can Make Your Back Pain Worse

ONE: Your Protection Mechanism
Your diagnosis, procedure, or severity of symptoms when you least expect it keeps you frozen, wanting to protect yourself rather than live in freedom.
This triggers what I call your Internal Protection Mechanism.
When this happens, your body has no choice but to respond to this fear through tightness, aches, and pains to keep you safe.
Suppose you live in this protection cycle for months, years, and even decades. Symptoms become increasingly worse, along with new symptoms seeming to pop up out of nowhere, and the only thing you know to do is inject, get cut open, or medicate.
TWO: Protection turns into elimination.
Your body/brain wants to keep you safe, so naturally, what you start doing is eliminating movements and activities from your life.
You go from someone who ran thousands of miles a year to walking only 35 minutes a day.
You go from enjoying yard work and doing things around your house to having to pay someone to take over due to the flare-ups and pain that would always come after a day in the yard.
This reduction mentality feeds this fear, keeping you in this protection mindset, which then leads to physical symptoms when you try to start doing.
If you stop using it, you will lose it, but gaining back is possible if you approach every symptom and feeling you have with a sense of safety along with strategic graded exposure.
How To Beat The Fear You Have Around Movement & Back Pain?

Changing your relationship with pain isn’t something you will find on the internet or in a 30-second Instagram reel.
It takes work, time, and patience, but more importantly, the willingness to NOT accept where you are and address these fears head-on.
So instead of looking for the missing stretch, exercise, diagnosis, drug, or procedure, do an audit around the way your mind and body respond to your pain and dive all in on creating a space where you can begin to heal.
This concept is something that really needs an individual approach because YOU are very different in diagnosis and symptom profile than the person who watches this after you.
This is why what really beats chronic back pain for good is more of a Hybrid Relief Approach where we combine the mental side along with the physical side of pain and low back injuries.
Now I go into detail with this inside of my Strength & Pain Relief Accelerator Program.
If you feel like you are missing something from your efforts with chronic low back pain, the best thing for us to do is have a conversation about where you are and whether or not what I do can even help.
So, if you’re serious about getting help and tired of cataloging back pain relief videos across all your social media channels, follow this link, and let’s have a simple conversation about what you may need.