Postpartum Back Pain Exercises | CORE WORKOUT for Postpartum Moms!
Back pain after giving birth is pretty common and the best approach you can take is a proactive approach instead of just sitting back and hoping your body “goes back to normal”
This is where bad habits are formed and chronic back pain develops.
Today I want to break down a simple yet powerful core workout that is perfectly designed for mom’s dealing with any level of chronic low back pain.
Today you’ll discover:
- The first type of core exercise you should start with NO MATTER WHAT if you’re a mom
- Exactly what your core workouts should look like if you’re in pain
- The most overlooked “core exercise” that 90% of postpartum back pain sufferers are not doing
Oh and fellas, you can follow this workout as well and get the same pain relieving benefits.
What Causes Postpartum Back Pain?

New moms deal with back pain for several reasons and, in many cases, never seem to get rid of it, even years after giving birth.
#1 Hormone Changes
During pregnancy, the body releases hormones like relaxin, which help loosen ligaments and prepare the body for childbirth.
Relaxin is needed to make childbirth smooth, but the downside is these hormones can also affect the stability of the joints and increase the risk of back pain.
Even after childbirth, it takes time for hormone levels to return to normal, and the ligaments may remain loose, leading to discomfort and potential strain on the back muscles, especially if movement and lifestyle habits are not conducive to a healthy low back recovery.
#2 Physical Changes And Stress On The Body
Pregnancy places significant physical stress on a woman’s body, particularly the lower back and pelvic region.
To keep things super simple, this is what happens…
The growing uterus shifts the center of gravity, altering the posture and putting additional strain on the back muscles.
The good news is the human body is SUPER resilient, and God created our bodies to bounce back from regular changes like this, so there is hope.
During this growth phase during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles, which provide core support, may also weaken or separate during pregnancy (a condition known as diastasis recti), compromising spinal stability and contributing to back pain postpartum.
So we have all of these physiological things happening to your body as you make room for the baby, but this pattern continues AFTER the baby is born, which leads to my third point!
#3 Lifting And Carrying The Baby
Now that you’re a new mom, that baby will need you around the clock, so guess what?!
That baby is only going to add more stress to your healing body.
Caring for a newborn involves frequent lifting, carrying, and feeding, which can strain the back muscles and exacerbate existing discomfort.
Improper lifting techniques, such as excessively rounding the back when pain is present or straining the muscles, can contribute to chronic back pain.
Additionally, the repetitive motion of bending over to pick up the baby or nursing in an uncomfortable position can strain the back over time.