Deadlifting After Back Injury | Do these 2 things to deadlift pain-free!
Are deadlifts causing a pinching in your lower back, sciatica down your leg, or maybe chronic stiffness you can’t foam roll or stretch out?
Deadlifts are NOT a bad exercise, but 90% of back pain sufferers approach them incorrectly. Instead of throwing them out, let’s look at 2 ways you can start doing more of them but in a way that is going to allow you to feel better and not make your pain worse.
Today you’ll learn:
The biggest mistake you’re making with deadlifts
How to do them pain-free even if they scare you to death
2 ways to START doing deadlifts if you’re coming back from a back pain episode
Have you taken my 14-Day Core Strength Challenge?
Follow done for you core workouts that are back and post-surgery friendly!
Is It Normal To Have Back Pain After Deadlifts?

Back pain and deadlifts are very common.
So common that most people I talk to think that back pain with deadlifts is to be expected, and you have to learn to just work through it.
I beg to differ.
It’s okay to experience some muscle tightness or soreness after some heavy deadlifts but constant back pain isn’t normal.
There are two types of people who deal with back pain with deadlifts:
Person One:
This person is constantly trying to push the limits with their deadlift weight and finds themselves injury-prone or always on the verge of pain due to the constant load and weight they are pushing themselves to accomplish.
Person Two:
This person has had chronic back pain for a while, which may or may not have come from deadlifts, but they see the deadlift as a scary or dangerous exercise, so they remove any bending of the spine under a lot of fear of making their pain worse.
This leads to weakness and a negative view of this normal body movement, which can create a whole new bag of issues for their back.
The majority of the people I work with one on one fall into the person two category.
Out of fear, they just don’t do movements like the deadlift in hopes of preserving their backs.
Should I Stop Deadlifting If I Have Back Pain?

If you are dealing with chronic lower back pain before, during, or after deadlifts, I would suggest removing them from your program and getting to the bottom of why you’re dealing with chronic back pain.
If it is because of the deadlifts that you are having back pain now then I would just address the deadlift exercise by itself and find new ways of introducing the exercise back into your program on a different level and work up from there.
If you have chronic back pain outside of the deadlift or have always dealt with chronic low back pain even without the deadlifts, then you need to get to the bottom of the pain first before trying to add deadlifts in.
This is oftentimes a process that requires more one-on-one guidance to find what exactly is keeping you in pain.
If you think you need more of a one-on-one coaching approach with your pain, just go here, and let’s schedule a time for us to talk about your unique strategy out of pain.