What would happen if you didn’t do anything for your nagging lower back pain? No stretching, no mobility, nothing. Thats the exact question that came in the other day from a reader and I am pumped to cover this unconventional question here today.
When it comes to navigating exercise around back pain I live and breathe by a minimalist way of life. There is a time and a place to do absolutely nothing but naturally we humans like to progress towards some type of goal. We want to work towards a solution to the problems we have.
Instead of over-complicating your initial jump into self-recovery, do the least amount of work possible and see how your body reacts. In my world as a trainer, this involves re-introducing the painful/scary movements back into your life only dramatically modified to fit your current condition.
I go over this concept along with 3 other powerful tools to use when taking a minimalist approach to exercise, weight loss and back pain.
Thanks for watching and be sure to share this with someone you think may need it!