Should You See A Chiropractor For Lower Back Pain?
During my season of chronic low back, I saw a lot of different chiropractors. All of them specifically for low back pain but each of them claiming to have the edge or the “thing” that was going to make one treatment better than any I had in the past.
Don’t get me wrong all of the providers I saw were great people and by NO MEANS did I feel like they were trying to pull a fast one on me or do anything shady…they were just sold out for a strategy that in my opinion just doesn’t work for lasting relief.
In today’s video, I share with you MY OPINION and experience of seeing a chiropractor for low back pain.
Remember guys I am not a doctor or any type of medical provider so this is just me sharing my experience along with the experiences of clients I have worked with and what we all came to realize after seeing a chiropractor for our low back pain.
Today I discuss:
- Why Chiropractic care probably won’t work for you.
- What’s wrong with going all-in on Chiropractic adjustments
- 3 Things you need to make sure your Chiropractor does if you want to see one for your low back pain.
Can Chiropractors Help With Low Back Pain?
Whether or not your chiropractor can help with your lower back pain will depend on a number of variables. I dive deep into these topics in today’s video but in short here is my answer.
Chiropractors need to focus on far more things than just adjusting their patience. The idea of your back hurting solely on the basis of your joints needing to be cracked or adjusted makes little sense if you REALLY think about it.
Sure getting popped feels good especially if you have grown to enjoy the release feeling and have become sensitive to when these gas buildups happen in your joints.
The problem with chiropractors and low back pain is that the back pain person needs more.
They need to be taught how to build smarter strength. They need help changing the narrative around their pain and why they are getting adjustments in the first place.
Low back pain is a multi-dimensionally issue that requires thought and action in these three areas.
- Improving Movement.
- Building Smarter Strength.
- Desensitizing Your Pain System.
Sure the right type of adjustment on the right type of patient could help with one of the categories above but why then are the adjustments the main focus point of what chiropractors do?
Can A Chiropractor Make Your Back Pain Worse?
Of course they can make your back pain worse. When you’re dealing with low back pain you are really rolling the dice going into a chiro to have your stuff adjusted.
Depending on your level of sensitivity or situation you can easily walk out in more pain than you walked in with. I know that was the case for me.
Oftentimes due to the elevated level of sensitivity your body is on high alert and in protection mode so when someone goes in and forcefully starts moving things around, your brain freaks out and that’s when flair-ups and spasms happen.
If your brain feels threatened it will protect you at all costs and this comes in the form of tight muscles, more pain, or something similar.
One of the worst things you can do is go into a chiropractor’s office tense and afraid.
I made a video on whether or not cracking your back is good for back pain relief.
Check it out below:
When Should I See a Chiropractor For Back Pain?
This question needs more context. What have you tried so far?
Do you personally know any chiropractors and if so do they have the 3 important elements I cover in the video above?
What you need is the correct information about the 3 areas I listed above:
- Improving Movement.
- Building Smarter Strength.
- Desensitizing Your Pain System.
If your Chiro does not touch on these then all he/she will probably do is adjust you and send you on your way.
You can get adjustments, that’s fine but you have to make sure you are given more. What can you do to help turn yourself around other than show up to your weekly appointment with them?
There’s no way you can just go in and get adjusted and after 4-6 weeks you will be good to go forever.