WORST Stretches For L4-L5 & L5-S1 Disc Bulge/Herniation | Do These Instead!! STOP doing these stretches if you have an L3-S1 disc herniation or bulge! If you have chronic lower back pain, sciatica, or an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc bulge/herniation, chances are you’ve been told to stretch your back. But what if I told you […]
If your pain from a lower back disc problem tends to come and go without any rhyme or reason this video is for you! If you’ve been living with chronic lower back pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc, you know the frustration of having random good days and bad days. One moment, you […]
Avoid This Sciatica Core Exercise Mistake: Simple Trick for Pain-Free Results! Let’s talk about chronic lower back pain and those terrible core exercises tips people share that convince you your pain will disappear. If you’ve been doing core exercises for your sciatica and back pain, but they’ve only been making your pain worse this simple […]
STOP Foam Rolling! Dangerous Mistakes With A Herniated Disc If you’re using a foam roller for back pain relief STOP doing it like this! I have a love-hate relationship with foam rollers. In some ways, they are great, and in other ways, they are one of the biggest reasons why people are still in pain […]
Lower Back Strength: 4 Simple Exercises To End Sciatica & Herniated Disc Back Pain Check out this 4-step lower back strength and movement routine that is safe for sciatica and chronic lower back pain. Movement is medicine when it comes to most sciatica and pain from a herniated or bulging disc but not ALL movement […]
Best Workout Structure For Back Pain Relief | DDD, L4 L5 AND L5 S1 PAIN If your workouts leave you in pain, fighting muscle spasms with sciatica shooting down your legs, this video is for you! One of the biggest factors in overcoming even the longest bouts of chronic lower back pain is creating a […]
Healing Back Pain Without Surgery | Here’s how to do it! If you’re contemplating having surgery for your chronic lower back pain, watch this before deciding! Surgery is often given to people as a last-ditch effort in hopes of getting relief from their chronic lower back pain. The truth is it’s not. Surgery is the […]
Worst Stretches With L5-S1 or L4-L5 Disc Bulge | STOP THESE! If you’re using stretching to treat the pain from your L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc bulge pain, stop what you’re doing and watch this! Stretching is one of the worst things someone with any L4-S1 disc injury should do for the symptoms. The odds are […]
Simple Thoracic Spine Strength And Mobility Workout For Beginners Upper and middle back pain can be extremely frustrating. Even more frustrating is reading pages of generic articles by medical facilities giving you random causes, symptoms, and treatments that don’t work. For most people, the solution is straightforward. I think where people go wrong is overcomplicating […]
Is The Cat Cow Stretch Good For Back Pain? Unless you’ve been living under a rock if you’ve searched anything that has to do with stretching and back pain odds are the cat cow stretch for back pain relief has come up. Now, if you’ve ever tried the Cat-Cow Stretch for back pain relief it […]