The Worst Exercises For Lower Back Pain| STOP Training this way!
If you ever want to get back into HIIT, CrossFit, Circuit Training, or any other high-intensity style training with a bad back, watch this week’s video!
There is a big misconception that exercise is like novocaine for low back pain. The more you do it, the better you will feel over the long haul.
Coming from a fitness professional who has worked with hundreds of people in the gym with back pain and rehabbing myself after an L5-S1 rupture, more is NOT better.
In fact, I would go so far as to say you should eliminate 100% of your exercise until you have gained control over the unpredictableness of your pain.
In today’s video, you’ll discover why the type of exercise that you do matters most and which styles of training you should give up to heal your back!
Can HIIT Training Cause Back Pain
Not only can HIIT cause back pain, but it can be the sole reason you’re still in pain after months of HIIT while you attempt to rehab your back.
HIIT is not the bad guy, but it comes with a higher risk of typal markers for a low back injury.
Overexahsution, poor form, unnecessarily repeated exercises.
Regardless of what style you like, your body needs to adapt.
If you want to do HIIT-style workouts, you must build resilience and tolerance to the training style. Unfortunately, most people who go into their local gyms and sign up for HIIT classes come from a job where they spend more days sitting.
They go from sitting to extreme amounts of unnecessary movement in the low back with factors such as stress, lifestyle, exhaustion, and poor form, and there is a high chance of something going down. It’s just a matter of time.
Now that you have an injury doing the HIIT because that’s what you like is only going to keep your sensitive low back sensitive due to constantly picking the scab.
Unfortunately, you can scale exercises but trying to scale a HIIT workout for someone with low back pain is extremely hard.

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt After HIIT?
Simply put, you’re doing too much.
HIIT is not designed to care for the sensitive low back, so if you’re doing HIIT and trying to resolve an ongoing low back injury, it’s not going to happen.
Your low back has a certain pain ceiling when it’s sensitive. A good program will keep you under that pain ceiling. A lousy program will force you to push past that ceiling.
HIIT is designed to push you to your limits and keep you there for as long as possible.
Your limits and your pain threshold are two different things. Mentally you may be able to go hard for a long time, but physically your body is not on the same page.
This is a recipe for disaster and a long battle with nagging back pain.