How To Fix Sciatica Going Down One Side Of The Body Your doctor says you have some level of a herniated or bulging disc and sends you off with a PT slip and some pain meds to tie you over. Meanwhile, you have this killer sciatica going down one of your legs and nothing you […]
Perfect Posture Is Making Your Back Pain Worse: Do this instead! The secret to chronic back pain relief is an upright torso, shoulders pulled back, and head secured evenly across your shoulders while you cycle through the perfect sit-stand ratio at work with your $2,000 stand-up desk and $900 ergonomic chair. THIS IS FALSE. Posture […]
Piriformis Syndrome: What is it and how to beat it without making it worse! Piriformis Syndrome has always been a hot topic regarding lower back pain and a potential cause of sciatica-type symptoms. In some cases, when doctors don’t know what’s going on, and there doesn’t seem to be any structural damage, they will throw […]
Overcoming Back Pain | 3 Things your doctor won’t tell you! 3 back pain relief methods your doctor isn’t telling you about! Living with chronic low back pain will change you. You will become so desperate for help that you’ll literally throw yourself at just about anyone who says they may be able to help. […]
90/90 Hip Mobility To Fix Lower Back Pain Stop wasting your time doing 10 different mobility exercises; start with this! If you consider yourself an active person, but you also spend a lot of time sitting for work, odds are a bit of mobility work will do wonders for you. What you don’t want to […]
Stop Using These Back Pain Relief Tools | ZERO lasting relief! How much money have you wasted on these? I’ve never met a single back pain sufferer who doesn’t have a laundry list of back pain relief gadgets that they’ve tried over the years. From balms to back braces, we all have them, but one […]
Postpartum Back Pain Exercises | CORE WORKOUT for Postpartum Moms! Back pain after giving birth is pretty common and the best approach you can take is a proactive approach instead of just sitting back and hoping your body “goes back to normal” This is where bad habits are formed and chronic back pain develops. Today […]
Your Back Workout Causing Back Pain?: Here’s WHY & HOW to fix it Your low back shouldn’t hurt after a back workout, if it does, here’s what to do! They say the stronger your back is the less pain you’ll be in. To be frank that’s not entirely true but there is a lot to […]
This Is The Only Low Back Pain Relief Mobility Routine You Need I would say 90% of chronic low back pain sufferers that are trying to use stretching and mobility work are doing WAY TOO MUCH. What I have learned to be true after working with hundreds of people worldwide is the stretching routine their […]
Best Core Strengthening Exercises For Lower Back Pain | FAST RELIEF from Herniated Discs With so many core exercises you can pick from to treat pain from your herniated discs or chronic low back pain, how do you know which one is best for you? Instead of picking random exercises and turning your sensitive back […]