The Supine Low Back Stretch You Should Not Be Doing There are a number of supine low back stretches and odds are if you’re looking for one to use you’re probably are experiencing so low back pain or tightness. You’re probably saying to yourself…well duh captain obvious! Now that I know that you know that […]
The Best Massage Gun On The Market: Achedaway Massage Gun Review When it comes to finding the best massage gun on the market there are a few things you need to consider because what’s great for one person may not be great for another. In today’s video, I break down what I think is one […]
The Best Way To Do The Renegade Row If You Have Lower Back Pain The Renegade Row back exercise can be seen as a pretty risky exercise especially if you are dealing with a low back sensitivity. Let me show you how to do the exercise a better way. You see, the majority of people […]
One Of The Best Core Exercises Safe For A Disc Bulge When it comes to exercising with a disc bulge you have to keep a few things in mind. The most important thing to keep in mind is that despite what you may believe about exercising with a bulging disc you are not fragile nor […]
Why Posture Corrector Braces Don’t Work And What To Do Instead Do posture corrector braces work? This is a common question I get and when it comes to correcting posture and the short answer to this is NO. If you have been debating on getting a posture corrector to help alleviate postural tension or low […]
Bad Back Driving | 4 Ways To Beat Back Pain While Driving If you struggle to navigate low back pain when behind the wheel driving and are tired of doing the same old hip and low back stretches that don’t work this video is going to be a game-changer. We are entering into what is […]
4 Core Training MISTAKES After A Spinal Fusion Surgery Core training after spinal fusion surgery is important but what I see too often are people making some pretty critical mistakes. In fact, there are 4 common mistakes I see a lot of back surgery patients making that are easily fixed and IF fixed will lead […]
Why You Get Back Pain With Ab Workouts (and how to fix it) If you have ever experienced back pain with ab workouts this video is for you! Have you ever had to stop in the middle of your ab workouts due to low back pain? Have you ever attempted an ab workout that was […]
Full Body Dumbbell Workout Complex – Back Pain Friendly Not every workout needs to include counting reps and sets or even lasting longer then 20 minutes. In fact, I’ve been known to pick one full body exercise or a “dumbbell complex” and do either 6 sets of the exercise and be done or just doing […]
4 Rules For Doing Cardio With Back Pain When it comes to doing cardio with underlying back pain it can be tough knowing what you should and shouldn’t do. You don’t remember experiencing weird pains when running before so why do you have them now and is it okay to push through? Or maybe you […]