Still Have Back Pain After Spinal Fusion? Here’s What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You Here’s why your back still hurts years after your fusion surgery (it’s not because of the hardware!) So, you went through spinal fusion surgery, hoping it would finally put an end to your back pain. But here you are—still dealing with pain […]
Physical Therapy Not Helping Chronic Back Pain | Here’s why If you find yourself bouncing from one Physical Therapist to the next and can’t seem to get the lasting chronic low back pain relief you’re looking for, today’s video is going to explain why! Just about everyone who has been dealing with chronic low back […]
Scared To Move With Back Pain: Is FEAR making your back worse? If you’re scared of bending, twisting, or lifting anything heavy due to your lower back pain, this video is for you. I’ve spoken with thousands of chronic back pain sufferers over the years, and there have always been a few key components to […]
Overcoming Back Pain | 3 Things your doctor won’t tell you! 3 back pain relief methods your doctor isn’t telling you about! Living with chronic low back pain will change you. You will become so desperate for help that you’ll literally throw yourself at just about anyone who says they may be able to help. […]
How hard is it for you to stay motivated to exercise and be active with your chronic back pain? Motivation to keep going or simply to show up is one of the hardest things when you’re dealing with back pain or life after major surgery. Staying healthy while navigating this pain goes beyond saying no […]
Does perfect posture equal back pain relief? A common theme that has been thrown around is this idea of maintaining a perfect posture with every movement you do throughout the day. I’ll be honest with you. There was a time where I thought the more rigid and neutral my body was AT ALL TIMES, the […]
All right, guys, welcome back to another episode of “Coffee and Coaching.” In today’s post we are diving into the topic of whether or not seeing a chiropractor for back pain relief is beneficial. This question came in from a reader who has been seeing a chiropractor without any tangible success. Trust me when I […]
When it comes to managing chronic pain and getting started in the gym there are a few things you have to expect. One of these things is muscle soreness. If you’ve never been to the gym before, this muscle soreness could get pretty bad during your first month or so of training. If not addressed […]
Do you have pain with lumbar flexion? Were you told that for the sake of your spine, keep it braced and neutral during all activities? If you feel confused on what is safe for you and are afraid of doing the wrong thing for your spine I want to clear a few things up for […]
There are tons of commonly prescribed back pain products and modalities that promise a solution to your back pain but hardly ever deliver. Just type anything back pain relief related into Google and you will get a slew of garbage advice. Considering that back pain is a $100 billion-dollar industry and still effects 80% of […]