Looking for a low back-friendly arm workout?
Are traditional dumbbell or barbell curls getting boring?
Do those traditional arm exercises cause random low back irritation?
If so, I have a pretty cool arm workout for you that I did with resistance bands you can do just about anywhere.
You can see the exact bands I use here
People clown on resistance band workouts simply because it’s different and not used in a lot of mainstream gyms but I am here to tell you if you want to develop a strong upper body it’s paramount that you mix it up and keep the excitement going with varying the way you approach to growing these muscles.
On top of that training in a way that spares the joints and decreases pain.
In today’s video, your going to get an inside look at my recent arm workout. You can follow along in the video or save it for later, either way, be sure to like and subscribe to the channel and share this with your favorite social media platform!
Be sure to let me know which exercises you will be adding to your next workout in the comment section below!
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I just love all the exercises William coaches. He cues and educates the proper form as well as what and how to feel. I am fused from T3 to the lumbar spine. Core strength is essential and critical to my aging and function. Plus I really appreciate William’s consistent communication. IT’S A FANTASTIC VALUE.
Thanks Debra!!