4 Reasons your L4 L5 or L5 S1 Disc Herniation Is Getting WORSE & What To Do! Here’s why your L4 L5 or L5 S1 Disc Herniation Pain Is Getting WORSE and what to do about it! If you’ve been struggling with chronic lower back pain caused by an L4-L5 or L5-S1 disc herniation and […]
How I Beat 6+ Years Of Pain Without Surgery Or Injections I have DDD and a ruptured L5-S1 disc, Here’s how I beat 6+ years of chronic back pain without drugs or doctors. If you’ve been dealing with chronic lower back pain and feel like you’ve tried everything—medications, injections, surgery consultations—without success, I get it. […]
Will Your Sciatica Ever Heal? Truth About L4-L5 & L5-S1 Herniation Recovery Sciatica? Here is your recovery time and the BIGGEST mistakes that will keep you stuck in pain! If you’re dealing with chronic lower back pain and sciatica, one of the biggest questions on your mind is probably: How long will this take to […]
How Matt BEAT Sciatica Pain From His Bulging Disc Without Surgery Just because you have sciatica or bulging discs does not mean you need surgery. I’ll prove it. Being told you have bulging discs and living with sciatica symptoms is extremely scary. You’re constantly worried about making it worse, whether or not what you’re doing […]
Back Pain And Sciatica From Sitting Too Much?: Start doing this today! If you’re dealing with chronic low back pain, sitting may be pretty brutal. If so, this video is for you! Sitting is not the new smoking, but if you’ve been dealing with chronic lower back pain for any period of time, you may […]
How To Fix Sciatica Going Down One Side Of The Body Your doctor says you have some level of a herniated or bulging disc and sends you off with a PT slip and some pain meds to tie you over. Meanwhile, you have this killer sciatica going down one of your legs and nothing you […]
Core And Flexibility Workout For Sciatica Pain | Herniated Disc Pain RELIEF! You’re standing in line at the grocery store waiting to check out when you start to feel that burning/electric sensation creeping down your leg. The clock is ticking, and if you don’t get to the car and sit down, your foot is going […]
Use These Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief | NO STRETCHES! You’re 30 seconds into the “Sciatica Stretch” your doctor gave you, and you already know it won’t end well…it may even be the cause of your next week-long flair-up. Frustrated and desperate, you reach for your painkillers, fire up a hot bath and pray you […]
How To Cure Piriformis Syndrome Naturally | Step By Step! A tight piriformis can be a massive pain in the BUTT (pun intended). Odds are, the first thing you will want to do for your piriformis pain is stretch it. It feels good while doing it, but if it does not HELP 12/24 hours later, […]
Best DIY Sciatica Pain Relief Exercise| NO STRETCHING NEEDED Sciatica can be one of the most frustrating and painful things you could ever deal with. While recovering from my ruptured L5-S1 disc, I literally thought surgery would have been a better option. Even I came back from occasional bouts of sciatica, and I want to […]