Hamstring Curl Exercises At Home – 13 of the BEST at home hamstring exercises you can do! Hamstrings are one of the hardest muscle groups to hit when you’re stuck at home or prefer your home gym over a commercial gym. This leads to a lot of people just skipping their hamstrings and assuming things […]
How To Train Legs With Herniated Discs: Top 3 Exercises If you’re looking to train legs with herniated discs but haven’t due to the fear of making things worse or jumping right back into another month-long flair up. This write up is for you. I ruptured my L5-S1 Disc over 8 years ago and training […]
How To Stay In Shape While At Home Today I want to show you how to stay in shape while at home. All across the globe, people are still trying to figure out what the heck is going on with this Coronavirus and when will “normal” life start to roll back in. Walmart, Dicks and […]
Single-leg glute bridge exercises are excellent for building strength and stability in the hips. Underperforming (weak) glutes can oftentimes be one of the leading causes for low back tightness and pain in some people. Normally when people are thinking about building strength in the glutes or overcoming any underlying glute muscle weakness they first think […]
If you’re looking for an easy suspension leg workout that’s gentle on the lower back and still builds lower body strength and muscle endurance, you’re in the right place! Low back pain and leg training are archenemies. Whether it’s bad form or having a really sensitive low back a lot of lower body exercises can […]
Back Pain While Bench Pressing Dealing with back pain while bench pressing can be absolutely miserable. What should be a simple exercise to help build strength in the upper body becomes something you dread doing, do anyways despite the pain or you skip altogether. We already know exercise is excellent for combating low back pain […]
Dumbbell Lateral Raise Exercise You Should Be Doing Have you ever wondered what the best dumbbell lateral raise exercise you should be doing is? There seems to be a lot but which ones work the best? There are so many different types of shoulder exercises you can do to build bigger, stronger shoulders (deltoids) pain-free. […]
Should I Exercise With Low Back Pain? Have you ever sat in your car in the parking lot of your gym debating whether you should go in and work out despite your consistent low back pain? Have your doctors been telling you more exercise will help with your pain yet exercise seems to be one […]
Some of the simplest exercises can trigger low back pain. Take bicep curls and shoulder presses for example. These are not necessarily considered “risky” exercises for someone who has a sensitive low back but depending on how they do them it could really mess them up. Today, I want to give you a quick fix […]
Have you ever wondered whether the number of reps you’re currently doing in your program is actually going to get you results? What if I told you that the number of reps you do doesn’t really matter? What if I told you that you could do any rep scheme you wanted to on any given […]