Desk Job? How To Prevent Back Pain From Sitting All Day | ONLY DO THESE 3 THINGS!! What you’ve been taught about fixing the pain you get while sitting is all wrong. Most chronic back pain sufferers struggle to sit. For you, it may be anything after 30 minutes kills your lower back..or maybe it’s […]
3 Habits That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse NOW! You wake up every day and, without even knowing it, make decisions that will set the tone of your pain for the rest of the day. Maybe it’s the way you roll over and get out of bed or the gentle stretches you like before […]
The Best Herniated Disc Warm-Up Routine: FOLLOW THIS Most chronic back pain sufferers spend way too much time focusing on the wrong things when it comes to exercise and pain relief strategies. I’m willing to bet whoever diagnosed you with a herniated or building disc also mentioned something about exercise or core training being important. […]
If Your Back Hurts When Bending Over Or Sitting: Here’s your relief strategy! Do you wake up wishing everything you had to do that day didn’t require any sitting or bending over? Do you experience a lot of chronic low back tightness every time you go to do a big cleaning project or chores around […]
Which Lower Back Exercises Should I Do? | Do These IN ORDER! Your lower back is killing you, and you’re scared to try to strengthen it because the last time you did that, you were in bed for a week, popping 1000mg of ibuprofen every 4 hours. This is a familiar story I hear from […]
3 Fun BANDS-ONLY Core Exercises Safe For Degenerative Discs In this video, I’ll be showing you a variety of resistance band core exercises that you can do to strengthen your abs and lower back. Resistance bands are a great way to add resistance to your core exercises, helping to build muscle and improve tone. Some […]
Do These 2 Core Exercises Every Morning For Back Pain Relief If there were only 2 core exercises I did every morning to help with back pain and build a strong supportive core, it would be these! Core training should be an essential part of your weekly training schedule. There’s no need for superhuman strength […]
Is Sitting Causing You Back Pain? Here are 3 strategies for relief you haven’t tried yet! The most common frustration I hear when talking to people like you is the pain they experience in their low backs when sitting. You hate getting stuck in traffic or a long meeting because you know your low back […]
The Worst Exercises For Lower Back Pain| STOP Training this way! If you ever want to get back into HIIT, CrossFit, Circuit Training, or any other high-intensity style training with a bad back, watch this week’s video! There is a big misconception that exercise is like novocaine for low back pain. The more you do […]
The ONLY Hip, Glute and Core Workout You Need (BACK PAIN SAFE) If there were 3 areas I would spend more time strengthening, it would be the Hips Glutes Core Of course, you can lump the hips and glutes together, but as you will see in this video, I strengthen not just the back of […]