5 Barbell Squat Alternatives You Can Do At Home When it comes to barbell squats they can be intimidating especially if you have a history of low back pain or surgery. This is why you need to build a solid list of go-to lower body exercises you can use for barbell squat alternatives. Pro Tip: […]
Why Your Back Hurts Even With Good Posture Can your back hurt with good posture? It doesn’t make sense why it would especially if all we see on the internet are the memes reminding us of all the postural habits we need to fix. Rounded shoulders, text neck, sitting posture, standing posture, sleeping posture. So […]
Stop Stretching Your Tight Muscles: Do This Instead We’ve got to get away from constantly stretching our tight muscles. In fact, I would go as far as to say that stretching should be one of the last things you do if you’re dealing with any long-term muscle tightness or tension. As much as you want […]
Are Core Exercises Good For Lower Back Pain? Have you ever wondered if the core exercises you’re doing now are actually good for lower back pain? We are told by our physios, chiro’s, and doctors that we “need a stronger core” but what happens when we do the core training and our lower back still […]
3 Quick Fixes For Lower Back Pain After Hip Thrusts Getting lower Back pain after Hip thrusts is a pretty common issue in the gym. The hip thrust is a great exercise for posterior chain and hip development but when coupled with lower back pain it can be brutal. If you’re experiencing lower back pain […]
Why Bodyweight Squats Hurt Your Lower Back And How To Fix It! Nothing is more frustrating than starting a workout routine in hopes of improving your lower back pain and even the most basic of movements like the bodyweight squat hurts your back. Like seriously…what in the world are you supposed to do when something […]
Fix Lower Back Pain During Deadlifts With These 3 Tricks Lower back pain during the deadlift is common and a lot of people just ignore the pain and push through. If that’s you stop. Trust me, the deadlift is not worth you messing your low back up especially if you want to live a healthy […]
Dumbbell Workout For Abs | Try my 9 minute back friendly abs workout Looking for a back-friendly abs workout you can do right at home in under 10 minutes? Today’s video is perfect for you then! Save this dumbbell workout for abs to your favorite core workout playlist because this is one you can do […]
APT And Back Pain A Sneaky A Stupid Easy Fix For Anterior Pelvic Tilt Do you have APT and back pain by any chance? Have you been told that you should spend time correcting your Anterior Pelvic Tilt? If so I want to break down the simplest approach you can take with APT and back […]
This Chronic Pain Writing Technique Changed My Life Chronic pain journaling is something that I personally laughed at whenever it was mentioned in a book I was reading. To be honest I am probably one of the most removed people from my own personal emotions (choose to be happy, goofy, and less tapped into the […]