Before we jump in be sure to pick up my FREE Fusion resource below! Okay, so enough with the yoga and geriatric strengthening exercises targeted towards people with fusions. If you have had your spine fused it is super important that you take the time and focus on rebuilding/strengthening your core (I am sure you […]
The straight arm plank is very similar to the front plank but in my opinion, it’s a bit easier to manage for most people when you compare the two. When your dealing with training the core after a spinal fusion you want to feel confident and in control the entire time and doing planks this […]
How hard is it for you to stay motivated to exercise and be active with your chronic back pain? Motivation to keep going or simply to show up is one of the hardest things when you’re dealing with back pain or life after major surgery. Staying healthy while navigating this pain goes beyond saying no […]
The Scoop Row is a spin-off of the single-arm dumbbell row but having a band in the mix requires you to focus less on weight and more on technique. If you’re dealing with some low back sensitivity its a super easy easy to build strength with less strain on the lower back. If sensitivity is […]
Have you been trying to hit your first pull-up with no luck? Hitting your first clean pull-up is one of the best feelings in the world. It’s like the right of passage in the gym world right?! Now, there are a lot of reasons why you may be struggling to get your first pull-up. It […]
The Banded Pull-Downs are a super-effective back and lat strength-building exercise. If you have a hard time doing pull-ups and you don’t have access to a cable machine grab a set of bands and rig this up where ever you workout. I do these two ways one with my feet up and the other with […]
Does perfect posture equal back pain relief? A common theme that has been thrown around is this idea of maintaining a perfect posture with every movement you do throughout the day. I’ll be honest with you. There was a time where I thought the more rigid and neutral my body was AT ALL TIMES, the […]
It doesn’t matter what we are going after. Weight loss, pain relief or increasing strength. We want to see progress. We want to know that what we are doing is working OR will work if we keep plugging away. One thing that I have forced myself to focus on when things get hard and the […]
If you crack your own back and currently deal with chronic back pain you want to watch this. We all do it. You’re sitting at your desk and starting to feel stiff and achy so you reach around your chair and twist your trunk looking for that self-induced “pop” or “crack” that goes up your […]
Morning back pain sucks and it’s something that will wreck your mind and body if you constantly wake up dealing with it. If you have attempted to relieve your morning back pain I know your intentions are good but odds are you’re only making things worse. That’s right. What you’re doing to get relief could […]