What do you do when nothing seems to be working? No matter what you do it seems your lower back pain just won’t go away or relief seems to get to a certain point and just stops. You thought you had things dialed in and you were on the right path but something seems to have […]
When it comes to our feet and lower back pain, a lot of people tend to overlook the importance of the foot’s alignment for the rest of the body. Most people don’t actively engage their body with what they are doing. They don’t think how these shoes or that posture will affect their performance. We base […]
Rounded shoulders, text neck, forward head posture, scapular instability are all potentially caused by muscles that are overstretched and tight along with muscles that are “stuck” short and weak. This next segment of this series is going to cover exactly how to attack these dysfunctions head on. Today we are covering exactly how to correct […]
When it comes to chronic lower back pain, breathing, bracing and being able to find YOUR neutral pelvis will always have a HUGE impact on how you recover. The medical industry over complicates and treats back pain as if it’s cancer. They cut away at your discs and fuse the bones together as if the […]
The first thought to come to my mind once my acute back pain started turning into chronic pain was DEFINITELY not about learning to move better. Instead if fixing the way I was moving and using my body, I spent hours on Google and YouTube searching for the answer. I was desperately looking for THE […]
Have you ever contemplated buying that magic gel cushion the salesman promised would eliminate all your lower back pain? Have you ever bought one of those velcro braces to strap around your trunk to give you “extra support” because the doctor who sold it to you said it will help brace your spine? When it […]
Bent Over Rows and Back Pain – Fixing Common Mistakes Bent over rows and back pain is a pretty common conversation I have with people looking to build strength in their back. On the topic of low back pain: the key to rehabbing a bad back is knowing what is causing the pain and making […]
How to release a tight Psoas (Ilopsoas) When I start talking to someone about how to release their tight psoas most people just start looking at you weird and try to redirect your attention with “what about my tight hamstrings?”. When you’re trying to peel back the many layers to your back pain and you […]
Most people experience the most pain when initiating any kind of forward bending. Everyone’s lower back pain case is different but ALL back pain cases need to understand what it really means to hip hinge and what muscles need to be engaged to prevent reoccurring pain. Don’t trick yourself by throwing a PVC pipe on your […]