I can’t stand googling “Stretches for lower back tightness”. To me, it’s like throwing darts at a dartboard while wearing a blindfold. When you start digging around the internet for stretches to help this tightness you have to be really careful. Not all stretches are created equal and in some cases, the last thing your […]
The key to any core exercise when your dealing with lower back pain is asking yourself the right questions. If you were to pick only one to ask, I would stick with this: “Is this version of the exercise right for me, right now?” […]
The power of the mind is a crazy thing. It can literally keep people in bondage, suffering from pain they waste time chasing their entire life. As a back pain sufferer, I want to address the mental side of pain and how refocusing and addressing some key areas can really make a huge difference in […]
This is a GREAT question I wish more people would ask because it opens the door to really taking control over your rehab. As a back pain sufferer, there is really only one thing you need to think about, beating back pain. You don’t care how or what you have to do, you just want […]
Have you ever been stuck asking yourself any of these questions? Why am I doing these “exercises for back pain” but not getting any relief? I do my core exercise, go to rehab and/or practice my movement mechanics 3x a week. Why am I not seeing results?! Can you relate to any of these […]
If you have been convinced by the fitness and medical industry that being in better shape equals less pain I am going to pop that bubble today. Both the super fit and couch potato have their own mountains to climb but are no different once they enter into the world of living with chronic back pain. […]
The number one reason I started this site was to offer other back pain suffers hope and direction other than the typical medical system. I knew there was a way out and was determined to spend the next 7+ years of my life in the trenches testing and fine-tuning what worked and didn’t. My approach […]
If you were to google “core exercises for back pain” right now you would get a couple articles from webmd.com and Spine-health.com’s site talking about generic exercises they prescribe to any and all who are willing to click and consume what they have to say. It drives me crazy because like any other normal human […]