How do I fix my rounded shoulders? Here are 5 exercises you’re not currently doing that will help build strength and correct your rounded shoulders. Has anyone ever told you that you have Rounded or Slumped shoulders? Maybe your upper back muscles always feel tight and achy and your chest feels super tight after sitting […]
What is a good exercise to build strength in the upper back? When it comes to correcting things like poor posture, rounded shoulders or an achy mid-back, we can’t always resort to smashing it with a foam roller or stretching. To be honest these things bring more of a mental relief than an actual structural […]
How do I do the reverse lunge the right way? Mastering the landmine reverse lunge should be on everyone’s bucket list. Well, maybe that’s a bit much but the landmine reverse lunge is an excellent lower body and core exercise that if done right can be an AMAZING addition to your already stellar program. 4 […]
It’s okay to hate exercise. I know you know its good for you but it doesn’t matter, the “suck” of getting in shape and working out is just too much for you. You hear over and over that exercise is fun and SOO good for you but it still feels like pulling teeth to get […]
When it comes to shoulder health and fixing issues like excessively rounded shoulders you have to spend time strengthening the shoulder as a whole. You have a lot going on in and around the shoulder with more than one muscle making things happen. This is why I always suggest strengthening the shoulder through multiple ranges […]
There are a lot of exercises you can do with a landmine set up. You really don’t need much equipment and they are usually really good for sensitive lower backs. In today’s video, I am going to show you the landmine front squat. A back pain friendly leg exercise you can do if you have […]
Do you get up from your desk and feel like the front of your hips are super tight? After sitting for some time do you feel your butt or legs getting tingly or feeling like they need to be stretched? It doesn’t matter what job you have, we all sit way too much and it’s […]
Will I get fat eating too much fruit? I snack A LOT on veggies…like all day. Is this going to mess up my diet? These are great questions and something that anyone looking to lose weight needs to review as they build their ideal weight loss template. If you currently feel stuck at your current […]
The wood chop is an underused and underrated exercise for a stronger core. This is an excellent way to challenge the trunk safely especially if you have had some kind of spinal fusion or surgery. I refer to them as the Up and Down Chops in the video due to the motion I am doing. […]
The Childs Pose is at the top of my “yoga poses back pain sufferers should not do” list. If your lower back feels like a rubber band that has been stretched to its max length and you are desperately searching for a solution I am here to tell you that the Childs Pose is not […]