HELP! Exercise Is Making My Back Pain Worse | DO THIS NOW! NEWS FLASH: Exercise is NOT the only thing you need to do to see lasting relief from your chronic sensitivity. In some cases, the exercises are what could be keeping you in pain. When dealing with this (which is pretty common), you have […]
Weight Lifting After Disc Herniation | AVOID THESE 3 MISTAKES! You’ve been diagnosed with a herniated disc, and now you’re scared to death of exercising because you don’t want to make the pain worse or cause more damage. That’s an honest and healthy fear. What makes all the difference is what you choose to do […]
These Lower Back Pain Exercises Will Change Your Life! When it comes to finding the best exercises for lower back pain relief, there are thousands of different options. Having so many options just leaves you feeling confused and not knowing which ones you should apply to your situation to get relief from your pain. Today […]
The ONLY Hip, Glute and Core Workout You Need (BACK PAIN SAFE) If there were 3 areas I would spend more time strengthening, it would be the Hips Glutes Core Of course, you can lump the hips and glutes together, but as you will see in this video, I strengthen not just the back of […]
Top 3 Core Stability Exercise For Herniated Discs Using Only Kettlebells The best thing you can do after a disc herniation, bulge, or rupture (once you have been cleared to exercise) is to build more stability around your spine. More stability around your spine will boost your confidence during hobbies and activities you choose to […]
Why I DON’T Stretch For Back Pain Relief | My response to Yoga With Adriene (Reaction Video!) One of the first things I turned to for my chronic lower back pain was stretching. At the time, it made sense. My back was constantly tight, and I would get a small amount of relief when I […]
How To Fix Back Pain When Bending Over | STOP your “Shovel Butt” If you’ve had back pain for any amount of time bending over is probably on your list of things you hate to do. Not only does it hurt but you’re scared of creating more pain and damage to your already messed up […]
My Pre Workout Back Pain Mobility & Stretch Routine Have you ever tried using stretching to relieve lower back pain? I have, and it never seemed to work. I have a tiny list of stretches I would suggest someone with low back pain or a post-fusion warrior do to bring relief from their pain. Using stretching […]
The PERFECT Core Workout For Fusions And Disc Herniations There is a right and wrong way to train the core after a spinal fusion or herniated disc diagnosis. What I want to make sure is that you’re not the one doing it the wrong way. Core training is definitely one of the most popular “first […]
Build Strength Fearlessly After A Spinal Fusion With This Full-Body Workout Building strength after any spinal surgery is very intimidating. But, as unique as your spinal fusion may be, there is still a simple process you can take to planning and executing your workouts that will build strength and keep the spine safe at the […]