Fear is to back pain like white is to rice. More specifically the fear of movement. If you are afraid to do certain things or move a certain way out of re-injuring your lower back today’s video is for you. Today, we are going to cover why it may not be picking up after your […]
If you’re walking around with your stomach clenched thinking that is the solution to “protecting the spine” I am so glad you found this article. This is a mistake I made a lot and I totally understand why you’re making it too. Some big name gurus across the internet will suggest that you keep your […]
When it comes to a sensitive back, post-surgery or any level of back pain what you do before you start exercising for the day is critical. Before you may have gotten away with walking into the gym and just jumping on a treadmill for a few minutes and getting right after it soon after. If […]
Stretching is an overly prescribed solution to back pain. In fact I spent 6+ years following the “Best stretches for back pain relief” you will commonly find all over the internet. There is a point where you have to stop consuming the thousands of articles and videos you see covering stretches for back pain and […]
The power your mind and stress have on our lower back pain is very real and is something I struggled with for years. I have personally lived through debilitating emotional/stress induced pain and have come out on top on multiple occasions. In today’s post I want to respond to a recent article I found along with practical […]
We neglect our feet by not really paying any mind to them throughout the day. We stuff them in leather or improperly designed shoes all day then complain of how achy and tight our feet and calves feel. If your feet are flat, tight feeling and/or you’re constantly dealing with stiff limbs below the knee […]
You can’t be a BOGO pain relief shopper. I wanted to share a quick story of a mistake I made for over 4 years and I am saddened to see so many so-called back pain guru’s still trying to sell people on crap solutions to their pain. If you see this RUN. Run as fast […]
Not all exercise is created equal. In fact, when it comes to sensitive lower backs there is a lot of misinformation about exercise, you often hear from your doctor, trusted trainer or even therapist that just isn’t true. Today, I want to break down those common myths about exercising and low back pain and give you some […]
I’m not going to lie. There was a point in my own low back recovery where I convinced myself that bending the lumbar spine was the devil and if I ever wanted to be pain-free I needed to take all spinal flexion out. Little did I know years later (with some awesome coaching) I was going […]
I know what it’s like to sit behind the wheel of my car and have my left leg start to go numb/tingly or get this sensation that it needs to be stretched from being so tight. I also know what it’s like to get to work and feel like no matter what I do to […]